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CSI URINE is a unique blend of natural enzymes, ‘friendly’ micro-organisms and surfactants that attacks and digests stains & odours at the molecular level to leave surfaces Forensically Clean. Pet urine is one of the hardest stains to deal with, specially cat urine, which leaves a terrible odour in the house. CSI URINE uses scientific knowhow rather than harsh chemicals to tackle the three main causes of urine odour.



EVERYDAY USAGE: Spray a light mist over the litter to control odours between changes. The Bio-Enzymatic formulation works at the molecular level to eliminate the odour of soiled litter, leaving only a fresh fragrance. LITTER CHANGES: 1. Remove litter and excess waste from the litter tray. 2. Spray the inside and outside of the litter tray liberally. 3. Wait for 5-10 minutes. The enzymes will digest the urine molecules and loosen the dirt for easy removal. 4. Wipe away all traces of waste with paper towels or a cloth. 5. When completely dry fill again with fresh litter.



EVERYDAY USAGE: Spray a light mist over the litter to control odours between changes. The Bio-Enzymatic formulation works at the molecular level to eliminate the odour of soiled litter, leaving only a fresh fragrance. LITTER CHANGES: 1. Remove litter and excess waste from the litter tray. 2. Spray the inside and outside of the litter tray liberally. 3. Wait for 5-10 minutes. The enzymes will digest the urine molecules and loosen the dirt for easy removal. 4. Wipe away all traces of waste with paper towels or a cloth. 5. When completely dry fill again with fresh litter.


SKU: CH5060415291054

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